Ivan Guaderrama Brand Kiosk

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Ivan Guaderrama Brand Kiosk

In August 2017 Ivan Guaderrama Kiosk was opened in Puerto Paraiso Mall in Cabo San Lucas. This business venture is one of the business lines Ivan has started as an integral part of a series of efforts that he has conceived as ways not only to grow the business but most importantly, to generate a greater outreach vehicle with which to convey the Gospel message. The Ivan Guaderrama Brand Kiosk offers different gift products with his art printed on them featuring those images that are interactive with the use of his app. The available products include canvas prints, marble tiles, magnets, coin purses, compact mirrors, scarfs, bracelets, pendants, earrings, and bracelets. After almost two years of learning the trade and fine-tuning all the critical details involved, the results have been positive. With this acquired confidence, Ivan is working on an expansion project that contemplates the development of a franchise system for the USA and Canada to serve not only as a business growth path, but also as a connecting tool for all people who are spiritually touched when exposed to the message and become interested in getting to know The Lord. The idea is to accomplish so by directing them to local churches that can show them the way to Christ. We ask for your prayers so that God will guide and give Ivan wisdom in the process of drawing up the master plan.

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