
Piano Stairs: Innovation, dancing, music, and fun amaze all at the art walk.

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Piano Stairs: Innovation, dancing, music, and fun amaze all at the art walk.

“…be filled with the Holy Spirit, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making music to the Lord in your hearts.”

Ephesians 5:19 

Music from its existence emerges in our hearts as a spark of joy that runs through our entire soul and fills us with happiness reminds us of the beauty of the life we live, and invites us to dance and sing in the grace that God has granted us. 

For this reason, Ivan Guaderrama’s innovation has been presented once again with a novelty full of fun, dance, joy, and music that he has managed to play with a message of love to all who have experienced it, leaving them brimming with smiles and emotion. Piano stairs arrive at the Gallery of Ivan as an invitation to fill our hearts with that musical spark we mentioned earlier. 

Opening last Thursday, people from different cultures, languages, and places have come to get excited about the new musical attraction that has left them fascinated and with a pleasant experience when visiting the gallery, which everyone has undoubtedly enjoyed. 

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